Firestone Walker - Sucaba '13 - Single best barleywine I have ever had, and one of my favorite beers. Perfect for sipping over 2 hours on a Sunday night. Barrel aged notes, boozy, delicious.
Had to do a lot of legwork to find 8 bottles of this stuff, but definitely lives up to the hype.
Traded 3 KBS for 6 Heady Topper, through a local BeerAdvocate trade. First time trying this delicious brew and it did not disappoint.
Big fan of Game of Thrones, an excellent TV show. As soon as I heard this beer was going to be released, I knew I had to track it down. Picked up 2 bottles, so my brother in law can try it when he comes to visit from Brazil in a couple weeks.
Least favorite of the recent beers. Sierra Nevada's Ovila line - Quad. I didn't hate it, but why would I drink this over Rochefort?