
Recent Paleo Eats + Cheats

I have been working hard on my Paleo Diet, and its been pretty successful. I recently related some of my staples, but here are a few of the things I have been eating recently.

This morning before work, I fried up some nitrate free bacon and made a 3 egg omelette filled with mushrooms, peppers, onions and a bit of cheese, and a cup of black organic coffee.

Over the weekend, I had some fried eggs (pastured, local chickens), nitrate free bacon, and some crimini mushrooms fried up in the bacon fat, with Sriracha on top (not paleo, but damn good)

Tonight, for dinner, I had a piece of salmon with some WFM Organic California Mix frozen veggies and a couple cherry tomatos

Now, I am relaxing with a State-Line IPA brewed right here in Connecticut, by Cottrell Brewing. It's a decent IPA, but certainly not ground-breaking, not wallet-breaking either at $6/sixer at TJs!

Over the weekend, I also enjoyed a High & Mighty Pas de Dieux Saison, brewed 20 miles north of where I sit, in Holyoke, MA. A great saison, and highly drinkable at 4.5%, I would say pick it up, but I don't think you will be able to find it without scouring the state of Massachusetts! There are only 3 reviews on BeerAdvocate currently. It also costs the same as the entire six pack of IPAs.

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